Sex and weight loss…you know what’s been on my mind

WOMEN have sex drives...don't tell anyone. Most women also feel as though there's a constant need to lose weight, watch what they're eating, and not give into the negative self-talk that riddles our minds. When Reader’s Digest asked women when they feel sexiest, they said it was when they weighed less than they do now. … Continue reading Sex and weight loss…you know what’s been on my mind

Day 2 of 21: All I wanted was toast and cookies

Hey there, Today I started at 175.3lbs..down :). The lowest I've ever been was 174..I almost cried. But I hopeful that with tomorrow's WI I'll be ok...or maybe within a pound or so. Anyways, was one point over my allotted 23..ended on 24 points today. I had otw small popsicles today to try and soothe … Continue reading Day 2 of 21: All I wanted was toast and cookies