Motherhood Surprise: Nurturing a marriage & a baby

I NEVER remember coming across a section in ANY book about 'how to nurture a marriage with a baby!" People are asking me "so what's surprised you the most about being a new mom?" And there are a couple of things which have surprised me (which I'll discuss one topic at a time) but nurturing … Continue reading Motherhood Surprise: Nurturing a marriage & a baby

Marriage: Rainbows & Butterflies & French Champagne

"Andrew...." (driving in the car, him distracted because he has a major sailing competition on this week) "Did you read my blog post about religion today? Do you ever read my blog?" "No, why?" "Ummm, baby I don't know." {...} "Do you think it's hard to be married?" I said to him fishing... "Sometimes you're … Continue reading Marriage: Rainbows & Butterflies & French Champagne