Life’s A Beach

I have to say that this morning was one of those mornings when I felt emotionally fragile. However, what has become a part of me, is the knowledge that finding food’s solace is not what I need. It’s about getting out of the mentally emotionally draining space that crap days can induce and just focus on what makes me happy….getting out!

I thought, why not just go to the beach? You live in Australia!

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It was nice. It reminded me of the post I wrote about the other week, finding peace in the rhythm of the ocean. Then we had some gelato…well sorbet for me.


I remember when I would be dieting that I would either skip out on the whole thing or feel guilty for eating this. I just enjoyed the eating of gelato and watching cute couples on the beach.


It’s fun when you just go with the flow in life. Sometimes it’s an ocean walk and gelato.


For some reason I REALLY wanted to go swimming today. I haven’t gone swimming since my triathlon last November. I just love LOVE the whole experience swimming.

I did 1.4km of swimming today in about 30 minutes. My legs were exhausted. I went out for dinner, coffee and book store perusing…it was awesome.

Today started off crap, but has become awesome….BECAUSE I chose to make it that way. Food was NOT used as a coping mechanism…at all. Relaxing and exercise was.

When was the last time you visited the beach?


6 thoughts on “Life’s A Beach

  1. Jules - Big Girl Bombshell says:

    I just went to the beach a couple of weeks ago…Oh the power of the ocean! For me, that is the ultimate magic of ebb and flow! and the feeling of choosing other things beside food as a coping mechanism ….Priceless…just like the waves!

  2. KCLAnderson (Karen) says:

    I am incredibly blessed to live within walking distance (a five-minute walk) of the water. I live in New London, CT, which is at the eastern end of Long Island Sound, where it meets the Atlantic Ocean. It is also at the mouth of the Thames River and it is a gorgeous spot. So I walk to the beach year round, unless it’s pouring rain or frigidly cold.

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