That’s right…I am feeling GENEROUS and HAPPY! To keep HAPPY WEEK going…I thought why not give a little love away to my readers.

I present: A GIVEAWAY to bring HAPPY to your TASTE-buds, SOUL-buds and BEAUTIFUL-buds!

TASTE-buds Glo Bar Variety‘ Pack

Angela’s @ OhSheGlows and GloBakery HAPPY LIST!

Here are some things that make me happy…
– When I tell a joke and my husband laughs
– Seeing my cat jump and act crazy
– Receiving positive emails from Glo Bar Customers
– Crossing the finish line knowing I gave it my all
– Thunderstorms…especially the ones that make the lights flicker and candles come out
– Facing a fear
– Writing
– Coming up with a new recipe or trying a new food
SOUL-buds ‘Thought Provoking Cards’ by Louise Hay (I wrote about these here)
BEAUTIFUL-buds pre-order of ‘Operation Beautiful’ Book by Caitlin@HealthyTippingPoint & OperationBeautiful
They are YOURS!
  • Tell me…WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY/SMILE :)/JUMP FOR JOY? (leave a comment below!)
  • Link back (it will show up below and I’ll count them)
Ends 11pm on Thursday 10th June (Eastern Time USA or 11am Friday Oz time)
(US and Canadian Residents only–sorry that wasn’t included earlier)

Ready.Set.HAPPY ME!
Can’t wait to read what you’re gonna write!

225 thoughts on “a HAPPY giveAWAY!

  1. Yum Yucky says:

    witnessing the happiness of my children makes me happy. but their whining makes me UN-happy, but you didn’t ask about that, so pretend I didn’t tell you.

  2. BrookeNotOnADiet says:

    Things that make me happy:

    1) Atticus, my cat
    2) My Holga camera
    3) The smell of books
    4) My awesome family
    5) Music
    6) Being able to walk/run along the Mississippi River

  3. Katie @ Health for the Whole Self says:

    Great giveaway! One thing that always makes me smile is when I come home and find that my husband has a little surprise waiting for me…sometimes it’s flowers, sometimes he’s done the dishes or a load of laundry. It makes me happy to know that he was thinking of me and how he could make my day a little brighter. 🙂

  4. junghwa says:

    just seeing people i love being happy makes me jump for joy. It just puts smiles on my face knowing that they’re safe, happy, and content!

  5. Ashley H. says:

    It makes me happy when my dog snuggles me. It makes me happy when my fiance makes me dinner and when he tucks me in at night. It makes me happy to hear Backstreet Boys on the radio. It makes me happy to think come September I will be married and hopefully be on the Oregon Bar.

    (as for link back, I don’t know what that means)….

  6. SeattleRunnerGirl says:

    Oh, so much happiness I can’t list it all here! How about, for starters: my husband’s laugh; the love of my family; playing with my niece and nephews; a good run; sunshine; sunshine; sunshine (it’s in short supply right now! lol); being on the water; hiking; sunsets…okay, that’s enough for now. Great giveaway!

  7. Laura77 says:

    What makes me happy?
    1. A Chai Vanilla Latte
    2. Brunch with great friends and champagne
    3. A sunny, but cool day.
    4. freshly manicured toes

  8. Katie says:

    Things that make me happy:

    1) good books (like the kind you just HAVE to stay up all night to finish)
    2) the fact that after 3 years of struggling (and almost quitting several times), I’m finally about to finish my master’s degree
    3) farmers’ market produce
    4) my cat, Oprah
    5) the smell of clean sheets
    6) thinking about my upcoming wedding

  9. Sana says:

    1) Clean clothes
    2) Mac&cheese
    3) 73 degree weather
    4) hugs
    5) more hugs
    6) a glass of water after a long hard day!
    7) winning giveaways :)!

  10. Shannon says:

    I have a whole huge list coming this week. I did not put Operation Beautiful on it and I so should have! Taking it on the cruise with us was such a HAPPY experience I just loved it!

  11. Erin says:

    This is such a HAPPY week! 😀

    Things that make me happy: getting a big hug from a friend I haven’t seen in a while, sitting next to my mom at church, getting on the highway after working and NOT hitting traffic, when the perfect song comes on the radio that exactly expresses your emotions, frozen yogurt topped with berries.

  12. christina says:

    things that make me happy: cute men, delicious new foods, puppies, working out and feeling great afterwards, an awesome pair of jeans, and BLOGS!!

  13. Ibu says:

    A cool day with no work and worries makes me happy.
    Good books and good company makes mw happy.
    A good night sleep makes me happy..
    Food makes me happy..
    My family…
    the list can go on.

  14. marzipan says:

    ZOMG. all those prizes make me HAPPY. also, the prospect of winning one makes me extra happy. [gotta reach since my happy list yesterday tapped me out momentarily – also, I never never win anything so I just have to merrily keep wishing].

    Ooooo also YOU make me happy, and thankfully you are back writing here at EJ, those were some dark moments without you 🙂

  15. Skinny Sushi says:

    What an awesome giveaway! What makes me happy… my daughter, my husband, extra sleep, good coffee.

  16. Maria (realfitmama) says:

    As far as what makes me HAPPY/JUMP FOR JOY that is an easy one…playing at the park with my husband and our daughters. It is so nice to have that time away from the television, the cellphones, the laptops, the distractions of life and just be present (and a kid again) with them. The swings, the slides, the running and hiding – it ALL makes me happy.

    A really good latte from Starbucks makes me pretty happy too, but that’s well below playing at the park on my list…if it’s past 10:00 in the morning! LOL

  17. Lindsay says:

    I get really happy and smile when…
    – I come home to fresh flowers in a vase on my table
    – I run more than I thought I could
    – My 9 year old niece makes me a special drawing and gives it to me bursting with pride

  18. TARA says:

    Things that make me happy….
    coming home to find that my husband put some of the toys away and didn’t just step over them. . . my 3 yr old little boy, dancing around and using the flashlight as a mic. . . fresh fruit and veggies from the farmers market my hubby works at. . . my church. . texas country music. . . finding new websites about eating right and actually putting it into practice. . .

  19. Akiko says:

    I have just recently begun my own eating and wellness journey after smoking and overeating for years. I quit smoking, I have begun eating whole foods and just recently running! Nothing compares to the strength and power that I feel in my body and in my lungs when I’m outside, sun beating down, breeze blowing through my hair and I’m running (floating 🙂 ) above the pavement… something I never dreamed possible.

  20. Dynamics says:

    My daughter’s beagle puppy. He is soooooo cute and so smart. He will put a smile on anyones face.

  21. Kathryn says:

    what a great giveaway!
    Things that make me happy:
    -my family (husband and dog)
    -a great workout
    -healthy food
    -midday naps
    the summer!

  22. Stefanie K says:

    What makes me happy?
    Spending time with my family and friends
    My crazy cat
    Horseback riding
    Observing nature
    Walking trails

  23. Shannon B. says:

    1. Hiking in the woods and hearing nature all around me
    2. My cats playing with little squeaky mouses
    3. Cooking healthy food
    4. Farms!
    5. My boyfriend
    6. The hugs and kisses I get from the little ones I watch

  24. Erin says:

    I’m 30 years old and was diagnosed with lupus at the age of 18. What makes me happy is knowing that I was able to put myself into remission through healthy diet and exercise habits– despite what those grumpy old doctors told me. Now I am happy that I can enjoy other happy things like my puppy (especially when she plays with her toys), my husband (and his awesome hugs), cooking healthy, nutritious, flavorful foods, playing with my stepchildren, and pushing myself physically to new levels. 🙂

  25. Katharine says:

    What a fabulous giveaway! Little things make me happy – a hug from my bf, reading a good bug, snuggling on the couch to watch “Friday Night Lights,” iced coffee on a Monday morning… I could go on and on. 🙂

  26. Jacki says:

    My dog makes me very happy and runs also make me happy. Laughing with my husband is probably the best though.

  27. Lauren W. says:

    I loved this…I think it’s really important to stop and think about the things that make you happy and the things you’re thankful for.

    What makes me happy:
    –the memories of my grandparents, especially my grandma whose wedding ring I wear every day as a reminder to live my life to the fullest
    –my family, who all live in another city but seem to remind me how close we all are everyday
    –a blanket I’ve had since childhood–yes, i’m 27 yrs old and still have a bankey!
    –yogurt peanuts….d@mn those things are good!


  28. Alexandra Chappell says:

    Things that make me happy:

    1) Spending quality time with my amazing family (Why didn’t I feel this way when I was a teenager?)
    2) My after dinner walk with my husband
    3) Breakfast food 🙂

  29. Jaclyn says:

    Thanks so much for this giveaway! Very generous 🙂 Here’s my list:

    when my boyfriend comes for a visit 🙂
    trying out a new recipe!
    romantic song lyrics
    thrifting with my mama
    long walks with my puppy at the park!
    traveling to faraway places

  30. Heather says:

    A good run
    A sunny day
    Lemon water
    A new lululemon item (materialistic, I know… haha)
    Frozen Yogurt
    My nieces and nephew
    My roommates dog, David Suzuki
    My amazing, amazing friends.
    A good glass of red wine

    🙂 Just thinking about these makes me smile

  31. Steph (@mediterraneanmiss) says:

    I LOVE this giveaway! What a fantastic idea ❤ Thank you for making me pause and reflect on joy for a second.

    Things that make me happy?
    – Finding new blogs, walks outside, spending time with my friends and my family, spending time with my boyfriend. Being by the beach is amazing. Finding deals at the market is always exciting 😉 Winging recipes and having them turn out delicious – awesome.
    Getting new comments on my blog.. getting emails that are actually -letters- and not work/spam.

    What makes me jump for joy, though?
    I am at my happiest when I am on the back of a horse.

  32. Sara says:

    What makes me happy? My nieces and nephews. More than I ever thought was possible. Oh, and Paul McCartney. Listening to his music always makes my day better!

  33. Laura aka @LaurBridge says:

    What makes me happy:
    Big sunglasses and lots of sunshine
    Sweating my butt off in a Moksha Yoga class
    How even when she doesn’t try, my sister is sooo funny
    Feather duvets that look like piles of clouds
    Starbucks Saturday’s…even though I may treat myself more than once a week
    Dance parties in my basement in my sweatpants and glasses at any hour

  34. runningaroundnormal says:

    SO glad you’re so happy 🙂 Awesome giveaway, Michelle.
    What makes me happy is having the time right now to read blogs and catch up on life. What makes me happy is being able to spend time with my family so often. What makes me happy is helping others become more healthy and fit through my job!

  35. Melanie says:

    What Makes me happy?
    1. Running
    2. Sushi
    3. Spontanious adventures
    4. Secret Handshakes
    5. Keith Urban.

  36. Liz says:

    Hmmm…what makes me happy? Spending time with my family is the first thing on the list. My dad was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease six years ago, and it really has been one of the most amazing things to happen to my family. We were close before, but afterwards, we really came together and supported each other in such an incredible way. I would give anything to make my father better. Seeing my family rally around each other gives me so much joy that it often brings tears to my eyes. I feel so blessed to have such an incredibly supportive family. Being with them brings me the most happiness in the world,

  37. Corinne (breathe and savor) says:

    I love smiles! Let me count the ways: sunshine, hugs, tunes that make you move, tunes that make you think, baby’s laughing, laughter in general, the smell of something cooking or baking in the kitchen, cuddling, a post dinner walk when the sun is setting…oh this is fun, I could go on forever but i will stop now! thanks 🙂

  38. Holly says:

    What makes me happy:
    1. My first cup of morning coffee
    2. My morning workouts
    3. Working with special needs children daily
    4. Having chocolate with wine and sitting by a bonfire
    5. Enjoying a mojito on the local patio as it overlooks the river
    6. Being with friends and family on the weekend after a long week of work!

  39. Astrid says:

    Awesome giveaway!
    Things that make me happy:
    Painting and seeing my paintings finished. So awesome.
    My cat and my chinchilla
    Cooking a great meal for me and my boyfriend
    The beach/ocean

  40. Jennifer says:

    Things that make me happy:
    -my sons laugh and smile
    -my husbands kisses
    -a good workout
    -coffee in the morning
    -a good nights sleep
    -a glass of wine and a good book
    -shopping and pedis with my mom

  41. katie says:

    My mom and dad! They are my best friends!
    Prunes also make me smile. I could eat a whole bag! Gross I know! lol!!!

  42. Fueling for Fitness says:

    What makes me happy:
    – FOOD – especially enjoyed with the company of friends
    – running
    – my cats
    – fresh, warm laundry out of the dryer
    – the fact that I love my job
    – discovering new blogs, and fun giveaways!


  43. Julie says:

    Things that made me happy ~
    1. Seeing Mt. Hood from a dozen different views and backdrops every single day.
    2. The smell of a hot summer morning when you just know temperatures will top out over 100 degrees.
    3. My kids loving on each other. Hugs and sweet kid kisses. May their relationship stay like this until they are old and wrinkled.
    4. Sitting by the campfire listening to my extended family – from the wee ones to those with many more years of living behind them…laughter, jokes, sharing the unconditional love they all have for each other.
    5. Open water swimming with the sun shining down on me.
    6. Running like the wind on a crisp bright day before anything else gets started.

  44. Sarah says:

    1. When it’s supposed to rain but the sun comes out.
    2. Shady trees on a hot run
    3. Making smores, sipping wine and singing by a fire
    4. Sharing homemade food with family & friends
    5. The Beatles’ “Let it Be”

  45. Mallory says:

    1. snuggling – with my puppy, boyfriend, or baby sister… i don’t really discriminate 🙂
    2. working with my stroke rehab patients – i love me some old people!
    3. summer strawberries
    4. napping outside on a breezy day
    5. the smell before and after a good thunderstorm
    6. snow that crunches under my feet

    🙂 🙂
    great giveaway AND comments my dear!

  46. Elise says:

    Things that make me happy:
    1. Running in the middle of nowhere with no headphones, just listening to nature.
    2. Waking up at my parent’s house on a summer day, and running down to the lake to jump in before doing anything else.
    3. Little notes from the boyfriend, which he likes to leave in random places around my apartment.
    4. The postcards my mom still sends me when she’s on vacation. They’re kitchy, but I can’t help but smile.
    5. Snow. It just makes me grin.

  47. Cate says:

    Things that make me happy:
    1. Running marathons
    2. Baking bread
    3. Hanging out at the beach with my husband
    4. The kids at my job
    5. Puppies
    6. Chocolate cake

  48. Katie says:

    A heartfelt card, a gorgeous sunny day spent outdoors, eating a wonderful dinner out with friends and laughing uncontrollably the whole time, outdoor concerts in Chicago, thunderstorms, a good movie, my dog, and of course reliving memories with my family. Phew….I guess I have a lot to be happy about!

  49. shannonsfoodruns says:

    Aww yay! Random things that make me happy:
    – the smell of rain on a hot day
    – ugly puppies
    – happy babies
    – friendly waitors/cashiers/instructors/etc.
    – post-its from my hubby
    – red wine

  50. Ana says:

    The main thing that makes me happy everyday is seeing my son’s smile!
    Another thing is watermelon, oh my, I love watermelon, it always makes me happy!!

  51. BROOKE says:

    Yay to this giveaway!

    Things that make my heart happy are…
    1.God, My momma, & Friends
    2.Starbucks Ice Chai Tea Lattes {It’s an addiction}!
    3.Smiling and being silly
    4.Blogs: Esp after going through my break up these things are my life savers
    5.Saving to move to a new state by the end of the year {hopefully}, wanted this for a while and now I’m going to go after it!! Yay to changes and embracing them!

  52. Kendall says:

    Hmmm, what makes me happy – chocolate.
    What makes me smile? A close friends company.
    What makes me jump for joy? BEING THE RECEIVER OF AN AWESOME GIVEAWAY LIKE THIS!!!! 🙂


  53. Katie in DC says:

    Curling up with someone special under a fleece blanket during a thunderstorm, freshly made lemonade, laughing til you cry with good friends, really, really good dark chocolate, those heels that you’ve been lusting after finally on sale, good mail (aka not bills/junk!), pugs, babies’ chubby cheeks, an organized desk, summer dresses that make you feel like a million bucks…winning an awesome giveaway? 🙂

  54. Meagan says:

    I feel like I should burst out into the song from the sound of music…..but I shall use my own creativity! Hugs, peanut butter, caramel tea, drawings from children, compliments, and so much more!

  55. Natalie says:

    Besides my family and friends, the little things make me happy:
    A long, hot shower
    no traffic
    early morning sunshine
    a great and sweaty yoga class
    grilling with my husband
    winning stuff 🙂

  56. Mandy says:

    Things that make me happy:
    – spending time with friends
    – making new friends
    – good grades
    – giving compliments
    – healthy eating

  57. k8 says:

    My garden makes my happy. Especially the lima beans that sprouted yesterday. I want to sit there all day and just watch them grow.

  58. famishedtofantastic says:

    First and foremost my daughter is what makes me the most happy!

    One thing that makes me absolutely jump for joy is having a day with minimal eating disorder thought. Unfortunately those days are few and far between but I LOVE when I do have them.

  59. Danielle says:

    Things that make me happy: A hot cup of coffee on a cold day, cracking open a new book, Beatles music, smiling at strangers, and much more! Thanks for the giveaway!

  60. Nikita says:

    What a beautiful giveaway! 🙂
    So many things make me happy …
    -When I talk/webcam chat with my family back in India (I’m studying in the US)
    -When I’m with my boyfriend
    – Feeling accomplished at the end of a productive day
    – Running

  61. Gina G says:

    amazing giveaway!
    my family is what makes me the happiest
    frozen yogurt
    people smiling!

  62. Amy says:

    What a crazy awesome giveaway! Things that make me happy (besides Oh She Glows, Louise Hay and Operation Beautiful)? Committing random and not-so-random acts of kindness… my dog’s “full body wag” when he greets people (SO funny!)… beautiful photography (esp. food and flowers)… daisies… remembering cool toys from the 90’s (growing up years)… babies… learning about myself through writing… getting extra-passionate about something (usually the planet, healthy living, or loving ourselves/each other) and teaching others all about it… thoughtfulness… playing the piano when I haven’t done so in a while (*note to self*)… feeling healthier and stronger every day… and listing things that make me happy makes me happy too! 😀

  63. Kassi says:

    Happy… reading food blogs and finding exciting new recipes. Making others happy. Good food. Sunshine. Hiking. Cute animals. A walk in the park (especially if sunshine/cute animals are present). Hugs. Science (when my thesis isn’t angry at me!). A good book. Wow, thanks for that exercise… I am in a much better mood 🙂

  64. spabettie says:

    Laughing with my mom. Laughing with my friend, CM.

    Being present in a huge crowd of excited people (Landmark training, Advo.)

    My dachshund Basil

    Jason, anytime… exhilarating!!





  65. trehops says:

    My happy list:

    1. My dog Cooper
    2. Making someone else happy
    3. Writing
    4. Creating new things in the kitchen
    5. Running
    6. A soy latte and a good book on a rainy day
    7. The first couple of days of a new season (spring and fall are my favorites 🙂

  66. peacebeme says:

    1. Summer!
    2. Exercise!
    3. Dogs
    4. My boyfriend, our future, and his amazing support
    5. Being outside
    6. Learning and reading
    7. Colorado!
    8. Great intellectual conversations with my sister

  67. Cristin says:

    Oh! All these things in the giveaway make me happy!

    Also-my husband, beautiful weather, running, wine, babies laughing, good food and chocolate make me happy!

  68. destiny says:

    things that make me happy:

    my boyfriend, his love strikes me deep!
    my health, as much as i want to pick apart my body sometimes, my body is very strong and able
    my friends, people who lift me up and believe in me
    nature, its beautiful and breathtaking
    a good book, nothing like curling up with one
    a new day, new chances, adventures, grace
    good blogs 🙂 that inspire, challenge, and encourage me!

  69. Jen says:

    I am jumping for joy recently because I just signed for my first ever appartment! And it’s a beauty. I am very excited and that makes me happy!

  70. Miranda @ Mirandasjeans says:

    Wow what a great give away package! I must thank CaitlinHTP for tweeting about this. I am ver excited about all the items, but I must admit the ‘Thought Provoking Cards’ really have me excited. *Fingers crossed*

    • Miranda @ Mirandasjeans says:

      Ooops so eager hit sent too soon. What makes me smile.

      When you walk outside, on a beautiful day. The sun hits my skin and face, I close my eyes, smell the smells of summer (fresh cut grass, the warm air), I hear the leaves in the trees rustling, and the birds signing, and enjoying that moment before continuing to be part of the rush that has becmoe life. Summer makes me smile.

  71. Dena Semkowski says:

    My boyfriend makes me happy. Somedays I just don’t know how he can stand me, but he loves me no matter what 🙂 Buttttt peanut butter is right up there with the bf! 😉

  72. poiseinparma says:

    Making me happy recently:
    The great weather in Cleveland (except for today’s rain!)
    Walks with my dog
    Time with my husband
    Hot tubbing with my family
    Ice cream 🙂

  73. jenna says:

    1) Being warm
    2) Being warm because of my husband’s arms around me
    3) Brunch on a patio in the sun after a good weekend work out
    4) Loving on children; especially children who don’t have families
    5) Travel to new places
    6) My family

  74. Evie says:

    Convincing yourself to run up a terrifying hill while complimenting yourself the whole time, then GETTING there!, cooking for others and having them genuinely enjoy it, taking a long, hot shower, new car smell, frozen grapes, driving with the sunroof open on a hot day, finding a killer pair of jeans, splashing through puddles in Wellingtons, floating blueberries in a fruity drink, making toast, and snuzzing up in a warm cardigan and leggings on the couch with a good book. 🙂

  75. Nancy says:

    Things that make me happy:
    -my husband sleeping, mouth open, sometimes drooling, hugging a pillow, not bothered by my blasting alarm
    – the small bunny I see hopping across the street every morning as I hurry along to work. I always stop and smile
    -the small jack russel terrier I see eager to explore the city. I often wonder if the dog is walking his owner! No matter how tired, or grumpy I am I always smile.
    -the hard workers at Argo tea who seem to happy to see a familiar tired face early in the morning
    -the empty city,seemingly worn down from the night before ready for a new day
    – my notebook, ready for new thoughts and inspirations
    -the heart from the stop of an old valentines candy box with a picture of snoopy that greets me every morning at work
    -sitting down and taking a deep breath before I begin my day and at the end before I walk out and venture off into the buy city
    -My boss as she walks in and we try to fit in a days worth of conversation in a quick 5 minutes!
    -pictures of my family, especially the engagement picture of my husband and I arm wrestling.
    -the little kids running rampant on my journey back home
    -the little babies snuggled up and sleeping in their strollers
    -the flowers planted in the gardens along my path
    -a piece of chocolate to savor how sweet every thing is when taken in stride
    -froyo – savoring each and every tart bite and let it whisk me away to nirvana
    -every step I take when running reminding me that every step is a step towards all things good in life
    -cashews!, a single helium filled balloon
    -happy people
    too many things, apologies for the long list!

  76. Kara @ MyWellnest says:

    Things that make me happy…
    1. Laughing with my husband
    2. My 3 silly Pugs and their antics
    3. Sunshine
    4. Being near the water (lake, ocean, etc)
    5. Jumping and flipping on a trampoline!

  77. Kathy says:

    things that make me happy!
    a good run
    my family/friends/boyfriend
    dogs running around (especially when their tongues are sticking out and it looks like they are smiling!)
    baking/cooking something and it tastes yummy!
    finishing a good book
    going on adventures!

  78. Bianka says:

    My boyfriend makes me happy by just making me smile, the sun, the beach, the way I feel after my shower after a hard workout, and being surrounded by all my friends.

  79. Angela A. says:

    Things that make me SMILE 😀
    ~ Knowing that you can move mountains with just a little ambition

    ~ The sun rising every morning

    ~ Good Health and the body’s ability to heal itself

    ~ Natural talents

    ~ Family Support

    ~ Yoga

    ~ Adopted animals

    ~ Green smoothies & Organic produce

    ~ Kindness of strangers

    ~ AND watching people achieve their goals everyday via blogging *You’re an inspiration – keep it up! :)*

  80. Jeanne says:

    What makes me happy? The wind off the ocean in Northeastern Massachusetts, a warm chocolate chip cookie, iced coffee, my nieces smiles and hugs, feeling accomplished at the end of a day, and the feeling of belonging.

  81. Ashley says:

    A beautiful day never fails to make me happy. Blue skies, fluffy clouds and a cool breeze, that’s all I need.

  82. Nicole says:

    Catching the bouquet at weddings! I caught my first at age 8 and it has become quite a competitive sport for me–I’m 4/4 for this year so far. I’m always filled with adrenaline waiting for the bride to throw that bouquet. The pictures of me afterwards are always ridiculous because the smile on my face is so out of control!

  83. sarah shep says:

    my mom is #1 on the list of things that make me happy… she’s my best friend and i wouldn’t have it any other way! 🙂

  84. shesarunner says:

    Things that make me happy:
    1. Laughing (especially when something is so funny, I can’t help but laugh)
    2. People- family and friends
    3. A hot shower
    4. A good book
    5. Hot tea

    The simple things are what make me happy!

  85. Bri WIlliams says:

    Running in the rain makes me incredibly happy, nothing beats the smells sights of a damp path:D Especially coming home to a hot bowl of post run oats….mmmm…fall can’t come soon enough.

  86. victoria says:

    my daughters
    my family
    my friends
    early morning coffee in a quiet house
    old, old, books
    used bookstores
    sunrise, sunset
    puffy white clouds in a blue sky
    smell of rain
    the thought of winning Glo Bars!

  87. Charlotte says:

    I am currently living 7 hours from my husband and any time I get to see him makes me sooo happy. Also being able to work out again after nursing an injury for 6 months makes me happy!

  88. Joanne says:

    Spending one on one time with each of my children. It amazes how much more I notice about them when I am spending quality alone time with each one.

  89. Laura says:

    * My fiance and wedding planning 😀
    * My family, especially my darling goddaughter who just turned 1!
    * Oh and related, babies laughing gets me every time!
    * The beach
    * Sleeping with the windows open on a cool night

  90. Trista says:

    Running, biking, traveling, exploring, and trying new things all make me happy. The Office makes me smile (ok, laugh OUT LOUD). My family, friends, and love make me JUMP for joy!!

  91. Jen says:

    Traveling with my husband, exploring new cultures, and hiking/trekking to amazing locales–then looking at pictures from those trips–really brings a smile to my face. 🙂

  92. Teri says:

    The #1 thing that makes me happy is hearing my son laugh and seeing him smile and be happy! i can be in the most horrible mood and no matter what that always melts my heart and brings me right back up! =)

  93. Katherine says:

    Happiness is yelling BINGO!

    It makes me extremely happy to spread smiles and joy to others. I also find I am happiest when I don’t take life too seriously and take time to appreciate my surroundings every day.

  94. Kakalina Kathy says:

    Kindness in all forms – makes me happy – especially when it’s done straight from the heart. Recent acts of kindness I’ve seen:

    an older couple helping each other through the farmer’s market – and having a blast doing it

    a friend buying me the shelter dog and cats postage stamps because she knows I love them

    a person paying a meter for a car – not their car – and walking on

    the grocery clerk giving me the banana I was buying when I realized I’d left my cash at home

    it happens every day – if you just watch for it – and pass it on

  95. Nancy says:

    Things that make me happy? My grandson wiggling with glee when he sees me; my husband coming home from a long trip; my students getting great jobs; reading a good book (without interruptions); trying a new recipe and having it become a family favorite.

  96. Jasmine @ Eat Move Write says:

    Being a “normal” weight makes me jump for joy. For the majority of my life I was super morbidly obese. I’ve lost 200 pounds and simply living life as a normal person is more than I could have ever dreamed.

    Great giveaway!

  97. Rachel says:

    things that make me happy:

    1. my mom acting out definitions of words when i was a kid
    2. kicking butt in an athletic competition
    3. cute puppy dogs on my google reader every morning
    4. good food
    5. random compliments/ words of wisdom from strangers

  98. Cellabella says:

    Some things that make me happy:
    Playing with my dog
    Laughing with my husband
    Sharing and talking with friends
    Seeing my parents and sister smiling and happy

    Thanks for such a wonderful giveaway! It makes me happy too 🙂

  99. Caroline says:

    im 19 and have been volunteering as a teacher in Belize for the past year (about a month left) and there are three things that make me sooo happy when im down here:
    1. When I am able to laugh and have fun all day with my students and still accomplish everything I had planned for the day.
    2. When my mom calls me.
    3. When my friends and family send me my favorite vegan goodies in the mail.

  100. Kristin says:

    RAIN! Living in a desert (Arizona), I still like to sit out in the middle of the rain, I also sometimes dance around in it like a child again.

  101. Laura E says:

    Thanks so much for the opportunity!! Things that make me happy: my family and friends, my cat, vacation, 70 degree weather, sports, yummy food, and other happy people!

  102. Jessica says:

    I smile whenever I make faces at random babies in stores and they smile or giggle, when I see someone walking their dog, when I get a good deal and when I eat something that is mouthwatering!

  103. Stephanie says:

    Things that make me a happy:
    – completing a challenging workout
    – cooking from scratch
    – my husband
    – naps with my cat
    – musicals!


  104. Katie says:

    Things that make me HAPPY:
    my family and friends
    good, healthy food
    discovering new music

  105. Jamie says:

    one thing that i find ALWAYS makes me smile is watching dogs riding in cars…i try to take a leaf out of their books and be as happy and free as they look!

  106. Kakalina Kathy says:

    Kindness in all forms – makes me happy – especially when it’s done straight from the heart. Recent acts of kindness I’ve seen:

    an older couple helping each other through the farmer’s market – and having a blast doing it

    a friend buying me the shelter dog and cats postage stamps because she knows I love them

    a person paying a meter for a car – not their car – and walking on

    the grocery clerk giving me the banana I was buying when I realized I’d left my cash at home

    it happens every day – if you just watch for it – and pass it on

  107. Sarah Beth says:

    Speaking of GLO… one thing that never fails to make me smile or happy is the GLOW of a pregnant woman. There is something about the radiant presence of a woman who is confident and holding the most precious of all gifts! LOVE IT!

  108. Jen says:

    -Spending the day at the zoo, with my kids
    -Finishing a long hard run or race
    -Whipped Banana Oatmeal
    -A good book
    -A clean house

  109. Allison says:

    1. Listing to my little girl sing and laugh.
    2.Being with my family
    3.Blue skies with puffy white clouds
    4.My dogs
    5.Eating tasty food.
    6.Spin class
    7.Yoga class

  110. April Abercrombie says:

    A babies giggle, finishing a hard run(boy does this make me smile!), sweet text from my husband, watching my kids play together(instead of fight!), yummy food!!!

  111. Sara says:

    -Seeing the mountains peek out on my way to the grocery store
    -A great workout
    -My sons laughing together
    -Seeing silly pictures of me and my girlfriends from a night out
    -A good song on my ipod that comes at just that right time

  112. Lili says:

    Spending time with those I love makes me insanely happy! Also, eating nutritious foods that help my body.

  113. Lele says:

    1. Unusual looking clouds
    2. Plantains
    3. Playing taboo with my best friend and beating everyone else because we know each other so well
    4. Mad Men

  114. Michelle says:

    1. My family
    2. Performing random acts of kindness
    3. Those rare days when it rains and is sunny at the same time
    3. Good food
    4. Hugs
    5. Spending time with people/ good conversation
    6. Helping others
    7. Texas thunderstorms
    8. When I can get up into a handstand
    9. The fact that after a two year hiatus I was able to run 1.5 miles on my first try. Not too shabby.

  115. Robin says:

    1. the ocean
    2. my husband and dog
    3. a good bottle of wine
    4. hiking with my dad and our dogs
    5. baking
    6. reading

  116. Clare says:

    Things that make me happy:
    the *best* bowl of oatmeal
    and awesomely sweaty Bikram class or completing a long run
    seeing my bf:)
    getting lost in an awesome book
    green monsters
    sweet potatoes
    driving to a good song with the windows down on a sunny day

  117. Kelly R says:

    What makes me happy?
    Riding my bike along side my father
    Cuddling with my cat
    Spending time with friends
    A good book
    Watching Mamma Mia (the sing along version of course) for the millionth time
    Visits from my brother
    Letters from my grandmother

  118. Aimee says:

    My three year old son makes me happier than I have ever been. He makes me truly want to be a better person. So I started eating much healthier and exercising more. Now I’m running! Me!! And dare I say I think it even makes me happy!!

    Oh I also loooovvvveee GloBars.

  119. Robin says:

    Things that make me happy:
    my first ever green monster! (being consumed as we speak)
    new york city
    becoming an adult over this past you
    playing piano
    treating my body to healthy foods

  120. Sherry says:

    Watching my kids do a happy dance.
    Watching my dog do her happy dance.
    Another day and good health.

  121. Amy says:

    To watch my 3 beautiful children run and play…their pure and still innocent young lives make my heart so happy and fulfilled!

  122. Keegan says:

    1. Being covered in dirt after a great bike ride or hike
    2. My husband’s laugh
    3. Conversations with my mom
    4. Watching children discover something new
    5. Green Mountains and blue skies

  123. alicia says:

    Being married to the love of my life
    My family
    Pushing my body until I sweat buckets
    Looking in the mirror and not seeing something to “fix”

  124. Ellen says:

    my health is what’s making me happy lately! being told by doctors that there is no cure for your illness is hard, but beating it anyway is the best feeling.

  125. Ashley K says:

    A really great workout always makes me happy, no matter what I’m doing!

    Great giveaway- thanks! 🙂

  126. Kacie says:

    Right now my boyfriend is at officer candidates school for the marines which means no cell phone and no seeing him…so when I get a letter from him in the mail I smile for a few hours straight!!

  127. Jen says:

    My family, friends, boyfriend and cat make me so happy every single day even when I can’t be with them.

  128. Meredith says:

    Walking up the hill to work with all of the different birds singing and trees and plant life along the way, its amazing to have such a pocket of nature in the middle of the city!

  129. Allison says:

    Things that make me happy: my family, boyfriend, friends, my sweet dog Okie, baking, dancing, painting, seeing others laugh, babysitting/being with kids, and just laughing 🙂

  130. Christy says:

    THings I love:
    1) running!
    2) my future husband
    3) dark chocolate
    4) chocolate chip cookies
    5) beach

  131. actorsdiet says:

    what a great giveaway! i love discovering new blogs – like your’s – that makes me smile!

  132. thecoconutprincess says:

    Things that make me SMILE 😀
    ~ Knowing that you can move mountains with just a little ambition

    ~ The sun rising every morning

    ~ Good Health and the body’s ability to heal itself

    ~ Natural talents

    ~ Family Support

    ~ Yoga

    ~ Adopted animals

    ~ Green smoothies & Organic produce

    ~ Kindness of strangers

    ~ AND watching people achieve their goals everyday via blogging *You’re an inspiration – keep it up! 🙂 *


  133. Sarah says:

    -being content in the moment, even if everything isn’t going my way

    -starting my day with a mug of my favorite coffee, lots of water, and my favorite bible at my cute little hand-me-down kitchen table

    -scrapping my to do list in the name of spending quality time with people

  134. Sarah L. says:

    Okay, my happy list:
    – Spending time with my family (I go to school a couple of hours away from home so any chance to see them always makes me really excited)
    – Creating things, I love sewing as well as making my own accessories
    – Bonfires! There’s nothing like spending time with good friends, having a few drinks, usually making some music and talking till the wee hours of the morning around a cozy fire.
    – Checking something off up my to-do list. I admit it, I’m neurotic.
    – A hot cup of tea. Seriously, I’m addicted.
    – Finding THE perfect thing at a thrift store or garage sale.
    – My boyfriend. He is endlessly supportive and makes me feel so loved.
    – Lazy mornings where you can stay in bed cuddling
    – Babies, especially my cousin Nathan.
    – All animals
    – Green Monsters! again, I’m addicted
    – Health food stores, I find something so calming yet exciting.
    – The smell of flowers (especially lilacs and lily of the valley) and freshly cut grass

    Wow, making this list made me pretty happy too! 🙂

  135. Jyllyan says:

    -Hearing the birds chirp at 4:30am
    -when my husband laughs at a stupid movie
    -when I’ve been able to help someone
    -when I’ve treated myself with love and respect
    -new socks
    -discovering a new thong that won’t make me end up in a straitjacket 5 minutes after putting it on!
    -looking forward to watching a great show or movie
    -going away for the weekend

  136. Emily Josephine says:

    What makes me happy?

    -Singing in the car with the windows down
    -build your own frozen yogurt
    -being around kids
    -unexpectedly running into an old friend
    -accomplishing something big

  137. Natalie says:

    (1) sunshine / being home in California
    (2) good eats!!
    (3) seeing friends i haven’t seen for a loooong time
    (4) songs that are guilty pleasures (i.e. shakira’s hips don’t lie, taylor swift, etc.)

  138. Tina says:

    I love when my kids laugh and play nicely. When I do something nice for someone and see the smile on their face (especially if they don’t know its me), when my husband holds my hand in the car, when I cross the finish line of whatever goal Ive set for myself.

  139. Jennifer says:

    Knowing that my change to a vegan lifestyle has encouraged the people around me to think about their eating habits and incorporate more veggies/whole foods into their diet!

  140. pam landy says:

    1. Being a 1st grade teacher (and actually getting paid to do what I love!) It makes me so happy when I hear my students say things like, “I can read it now Ms. Landy.” or “I wish you could be my mom.” or “I want you to be my teacher forever.” Just imagine how they try to write pennies the first time on their whiteboard… 🙂
    2. laughing/ smiling/ hugs
    3. music
    4. frozen yogurt
    5. taking photographs
    6. running
    7. living in san diego
    8. good books
    9. sweet thank you notes

  141. Laurie says:

    1. my amazing family
    2. farmers markets
    3. playing volleyball
    4. stovetop oatmeal + coffee in the morning
    5. SUMMER. (no school- that makes me super extra happy!)

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