A ‘Get Glo-Ing’ Giveaway

To be honest I have felt GLO-ING all week long being vegan and am excited about this giveaway.

I remember when I first read through Angela’s blog OhSheGlows about nine months ago and being totally inspired by her way of living and honesty. What I came to also know..is that she is a fabulous cook–lucky Eric. She’s also vegan 🙂

A woman after my own heart this week..to combine the two 🙂

Because it’s Vegan Week, because we all need a little GLO in our lives…..

‘GET GLO-ING’ VARIETY PACK GIVEAWAY!!!!!! from Angela @GloBakery

Angela is the mastermind behind the amazing Glo Bars which combines vegan baking that not only taste good, but are organic, wholesome, and HANDMADE. In the specially made ‘Get Glo-Ing’ variety pack it will include 10 bars, 2 bars of each:

  • Empower: Empower yourself with deliciously energizing organic dark roast coffee and dark chocolate. *NEW
  • Revive: A chocolate version of our Classic peanut butter Glo Bar.
  • Present: Live in the present with this cranberry pumpkin spice holiday flavoured Glo Bar. *NEW
  • Renew: For the fitness fanatics! This Glo Bar was specially created to help repair muscles after intense workouts!
  • Classic: The Glo Bar that started it all! See why this delicious bar quickly became an all-time favourite.

When Katy and I first started talking about Vegan Week, we knew we had to reach out to Angela. We got her complete support and a FABULOUS guest post on Vegan Baking on Katy’s site.

How can win a ‘Get-Gloing’ variety pack Giveaway from Glo Bakery?

  1. Leave me a comment on this post, responding to: ‘How do you Glo?’
  2. Want a second chance at winning? Follow Me and Katy on Twitter, and tweet this: I’m supporting #VeganWeek and entering to win an @globakery pack from @eatingjourney! http://bit.ly/1AZlaZ

Want a chance to win a ‘Empower Variety Pack’ from Glo Bakery? Go to Katy’s Post and follow her instructions. If you do all of this, you’ll have four chances to win two Glo Bakery packs!

Contest ends at 7pmEasternTime USA Friday 20 November.
Open to USA and Canada residents only

I love variety packs, it taps into my eating ADD. Make sure to check back on THURSDAY for Vegan -4-A- Day and another fab giveaway. Challenge yourself to be Vegan for 1 meal or 1 Day!



172 thoughts on “A ‘Get Glo-Ing’ Giveaway

  1. runningmind says:

    I glo by going to the gym or running between classes. Gross? Whatevs. It makes a world of a difference in my attention span and attentiveness in class.

  2. starsinthecity says:

    I get glo-ing by listening to my body which means eating well and being active but knowing when to kick back and relax!

  3. leslie says:

    i glo by eating whole foods, practicing yoga, getting fresh air daily (even if it’s urban air), and never saying no to a glass of wine. 🙂

    thanks so much for the giveaway!

  4. Melanie says:

    I glo by finding “Me” time sometime through out each of my busy, toddler-filled days. Hitting the treadmill, baking or reading a good book!

  5. Angie says:

    I glow (ok, and turn a bit red) after my runs.. I just started running and it’s making me feel amazing!

    Following you on Twitter too!

  6. fitlizzio says:

    a good workout and healthy foods make me glow :):) i REALLY hope i win some of those famous glo bars i’ve been DYING to try them!!!

  7. Olivia says:

    I glo when I’m honest with myself. Honest about eating healthfully and working out because I know, as much as I may not what to do it 100% of the time, my body will thank me after.

    I glo the most after a long run. The sweat, hard work, and satisfaction keeps me sane.

  8. Jessie says:

    I am trying to glo by making my own food with real food ingredients and by paying more attention to the ingredients on the pre-packed foods I buys. I am not there yet, but I am trying. And I have started getting up early for pre-work workouts so I can head to work with a post-workout glo.

  9. Bonnie says:

    A green monster smoothie, or a glass of amazing grass is my favorite way to glo :). That a a nice yoga workout to stretch out and get rid of all the stress.

  10. Kimmy says:

    I glo by drinking water every day…and of course by getting a good sweat session in 🙂

    Great giveaway..I am dying to try these bars!

  11. Kristin says:

    Yay! Glo bars! I get glowing by making sure I get some exercise every day, even if it is just walking my dog for 20 minutes and by drinking Green Monsters also thanks to Angela at Oh She Glows!

  12. 4shley (FitBits) says:

    I’m working on finding my “glo”. Changing my eating habits, starting to run, getting out with friends and dancing, being good to me – these are the things that are making me glo. I don’t think I am there yet, but I do think I am a work in progress!

  13. happyshoes says:

    I try to eat some of everything each day and go heavy on the veggies. I follow that up with fish oil and exercise. Those things make me glo. I would love to try these bars!

    Btw, if anyone’s interested, I’m giving away a RoadID on my blog this week.

  14. Jessica says:

    I Glo when I stop myself from thinking a negative comment about the way I look, whether it be thinking about the number on the scale or looking at some stretch marks and instead thinking something postive, whether something all encompassing, telling myself I’m beautiful no matter what size or something specific to be proud of like upping the weight you use for chest presses. Over time that really makes you Glo.

  15. dailygoods says:

    i’ve been dying to try her glo bars for sooo long! i am crossing my fingers i get the chance to! 🙂 Lately i’ve been gloing by going meat free. it’s made me feel so amazing and am so excited to be going vegan on thursday. This is a great event you guys have created! 🙂

  16. Jenn (eating bender) says:

    Ahh! I’ve had my first experience with Angela’s Glo bars this week and this giveaway is perfect! I Glo through exercise — I don’t mess around at the gym and leave looking absolutely disgusting, but I like to call it “glisten” 🙂 Haha, so excited about this — I’m going vegan tomorrow, too!

  17. Betherann says:

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    I “get glo-ing” by…

    – being active (at the gym, hoop dancing, yoga, running, hiking, wrestling with my dogs and/or my hubby)
    – allowing myself to rest (as a former anorexic, this is VERY hard)
    – feeding myself appropriately (i.e., not restricting, and not binging — happy balance is best!)
    – doing other things that are not body-centric that nourish me (spending time with God, writing, blogging, photography, drinking coffee…)

  18. kilax says:

    I glow by being true to myself! 🙂

    I have always wanted to try her bars. I am kind of on a limited budget now, so I have never been able to order any.

    I haven’t been commeting, but I have been following vegan week. It’s so awesome you’re doing this!

  19. Marissa says:

    I glow by trying or doing things I never thought I could do, like joining my college’s rowing team 😀

  20. Leah says:

    I glo by eating fruits and vegetables, drinking water, and running, lots of running. Oh, and looking at the faces of my 4 and 5 year old daughters really gets me glowing too!

  21. Lauren says:

    I glo by running and drinking Green Monsters. I enjoy drinking them in the morning after my workout. It makes me feel so energized the rest of the day.

  22. Michelle says:

    I glo by getting in my daily sweat session, taking a bikram yoga class, eating clean and unprocessed foods, and ending my day with a relaxing bubble bath 🙂

  23. JessicaE says:

    I Glo when i go out of my way to help someone out and put a smile on their face.

    Great giveaway, thanks 🙂

  24. Blair says:

    I glo by getting up every morning and doing some form of exercise to wake up … whether that means a full hour-long gym session or just 10 minutes of yoga, definitely gets my day started right!

  25. Kenny K says:

    How do I glo?

    Well I glo from the inside out you see 🙂 It starts with nurturing the heart, following the mind and then taking care of the body!!

    Lather, rinse, repeat!

    🙂 Happy Glo-ing to all of you!!

  26. j.l. says:

    i glo when i rock climb. i never feel as good about my body than when pushing it to its physical and mental thresh holds. my belay partner makes me glo, too, but that’s just a bonus. 😉

  27. Ellie says:

    I glo by making my own clean, yummy meals and eating out less often. Also exercising and drinking green monsters!!

  28. julie says:

    my hands glow because i eat too much orange food! haha but besides that i glo from a stellar workout 🙂

  29. Amanda says:

    I glo by sticking to my workout routine and changing it up regularly, so that it is never boring. I also drink tons of water and try to eat healthy!

  30. Rita says:

    I glo by reminding myself its not about weight loss, its about health gain! Therefore I’m not afraid to eat healthy nutritonal foods that are good for my body!

  31. samialyssa31 says:

    I glo by eating mostly organic, vegan foods, and keeping up with my workout routine daily! 🙂 Also I drink TONS of water!

  32. Linda says:

    My glo comes from my running and daily yoga – it really helps to keep my energy up, well that and my slurge on Angela’s bars, so delicious!

  33. courtney says:

    I glo by taking a step back from everything and just breathing. Stress really zaps your glo; deep calming breaths are revitalizing! Thanks for the great giveaway, and for the Vegan Week challenge. I’m psyched!!!

  34. Christine says:

    I glo by gettin on the go! Exercise is the key to feeling good emotionally, physically, and sometimes spiritually too 🙂

  35. Robyn says:

    I glo the most when playing ultimate frisbee with friends at the park or after an awesome yoga practice!! Feel the flow, and you will glow!!

  36. Sonya says:

    My glo is all through exercise! Nothing makes the heart and soul feel better.:-) Would love to try the glo bars! Fingers crossed.

  37. Laura E says:

    Thanks so much for the opportunity! I glo by making sure to eat enough healthy fats from avacado, nuts, coconut, and flax.

  38. Angi says:

    I glo by doing yoga and zumba, drinking a TON of water, and blogging my feelings instead of eating them!

    Thanks for doing this contest! Ange is wonderful and I would love to try her globars!

  39. Jen O says:

    I so want to win some GloBars! I glo by drinking lots of water, eating a vegetarian diet, and running.

  40. Sara says:

    I “glo” by spending time with my nieces and nephews. Nothing makes me feel better!

    Thanks for this giveaway! I’ve been wanting to try some Glo Bars; they look awesome!

  41. RachelS says:

    I get glo-ing by getting a good night’s sleep(at least 8 hours) and starting the day off with a healthy breakfast!

  42. Rachel says:

    I glo by taking a break from the “daily grind” – taking time to do the little things that make me happy. Like go for a hike, play with my cat, just go for a drive with the windows down in the California sun…

  43. Tiffanie says:

    I went vegan about 6 weeks ago. Best decision. As a reformed disordered eater I feel so FREE. I’m LOVING the new foods that I’m eating and CRAVING! My skin is GLO-ING like crazy and I’m dropping weight easily!

    I’d LOVE some of the Glo-bars! Pick me! 🙂

  44. Evey says:

    Awesome giveaway… I’ve been wanting to try those GLO bars, they look amazing!

    Let me just say I am so happy that you guys are promoting veganism… it’s a wonderful lifestyle and I am happy to hear ppl are giving it a chance! 🙂

  45. Lana says:

    I glow when I eat healthy, nutritious foods and jam out to my favorite music while running!

    I’m dying to try the glow bars!

  46. lilveggiepatch says:

    I glo by making sure to get enough sleep (most of the time!) eat a balanced diet with lots of fruit and veggies, and MOVE!

  47. Jessica says:

    I glo by waking up everyday and reminding myself that I am a strong beautiful women who can only make me happy…

    and i strive to do that everyday.

  48. Julie K says:

    I love variety packs too 🙂

    How do I glow?? Lots of sleep, water and light exercise. Hot baths and Everyday Minerals help too 🙂

  49. Brandi says:

    I glo because I try to eat balanced and healthy foods, I cut myself some slack, and try to have some “me” time whenever possible.

  50. Lauren Christine. says:

    i glo by exploring self-transformation through yoga, eating all my fruits and veggies, and drinking plenty of water :-).

  51. Clare says:

    I ‘glo’ by making sure I take a little time each day (usually at the end of the day) for just myself. It’s so relaxing to just disconnect from everything and everyone and focus on me for a little bit

  52. Michelle C. says:

    I “glo” by keeping myself happy and healthy. I follow my heart and do things for myself, whether it be run, read, sleep or spend time with my family and friends. I live life to the fullest

  53. Laurie says:

    I glo by loving my body, curves and all, and treating it with healthy foods and awesome workouts 🙂

  54. Jodie says:

    I get my glo on by working out, drinking lots of water and eating wholesome foods.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win such a great healthy treat.

  55. Ashlee says:

    Green Monsters!! I having been drinking them for months, ever since I first starting reading Angela’s blog. I have gotten my whole family into them, coworkers, and my boyfriend even has his roommate drinking them. They are fabulous!

  56. Jamie says:

    I glo by trying to get almost 9 hours of sleep a night. Although with finals and school really getting stressful, I haven’t been glo-ing as much recentl y 😦

    all the more reason to try out some Empower glo bars!

  57. Jessica says:

    I’ve gotten my glow from becoming vegetarian. I was never ok with eating meat but just would let myself not think about it. Now I feel good about my food choices and glo.

  58. natalie says:

    I glo when I find new things that spark my interest regarding health and fitness. When I realize I am making positive changes and learning new thigns I feel wonderful! Thanks for this great give away!!

  59. Carly says:

    I “glow” from eating real food, working out, and recently trying to build yoga in to every day!

  60. maggie says:

    I glo when I eat kombuca….not only does it change my skin color but it makes me sooo happy when I eat it!



  61. Marianne says:

    I glo by working out 6-7 days a week, getting a sufficient amount of sleep and making healthy food choices. I am also sure to schedule “ME” time every week. Would so love to win Angela’s glo bars!!

  62. Anna says:

    I glo by remembering to fill my head full of positive motivating thoughts ~ Posting Operation Beautiful notes has been a wonderful daily reminder to make sure I remember that I deserve to glo!
    I also glo when I take my dogs on walks, stop to breath in the great morning air, and enjoy the colors around me. The world is a great place when we stop long enough to soak it in. Smile… smile and be beautiful 🙂

  63. Michelle says:

    I glo by taking care of myself–eating foods that I love and that make me feel great inside and out.

  64. Stephanie says:

    I glo by reading up on food and health blogs for new tips and ideas! It’s a great way to keep my glo fresh and updated 🙂

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