Day 1:31 — Living

I came across this idea form Jessi, who was inspired by the 31 day challenge of writing about a topic of your choosing. Here is The Nester describing it:

So I’m inviting everyone again this year. Yep, you. If you’d like to accept this challenge, I have an assignment for you, while you are at the pool this summer keep a piece of paper handy to jot down any ideas for 31 Days that you have.

I’ve thought about it a lot…and to be honest I’m never one who ever follows through with these types of things. How annoying to have a blogger who says that they’re going to do something…and then doesn’t. This feels different to me. I will so try to aim to write about the topic of my choosing for 31 days straight, but I can’t promise these things.

I’ve got the Exposed Movement Week coming up (woot!) 7-12 October
I’m gonna be in America from 13-20th October

There maybe some ‘unscheduled interruptions to tonight’s program’, but I want to try. I want to make myself accountable for exploring the topic of: LIVING in all aspects of it.

31 day challenge

I have NO idea what that is going to mean for me. LIVING…I had thought about a lot topics, but for me this is what I feel encompasses where my heart is right now. I suspect it’s a blaring thread for those who follow this blog at all (hello!). I’m someone who will forever by hyper-reflective, tinge-filled sarcastically pessimistic. It’s just who I am.


I am hoping to explore the idea of LIVING more from a more positively reflective, slap-stick, light-hearted or serious approach. I have no blogger schedule, and I am going to use my ‘note’ app on my i-phone like it’s my business. I love jotting down ideas on my iphone.

Today I went on a walk, I’m really aiming for 10,000/day…because we have a really comfy couch, cable TV, and it’s still winter = ass on couch too much. Sometimes I like to kick it to music….but recently I’ve been loving to listen to podcasts. When I first really started going to Church, I went to ImagoDeiCommunity in Portland, OR.


It was in an old church, on some windy hilly road in Portland. There were people with dreds…not.your.cookie.cutter.Tommy.Hillfiger.Polo.wearing.Christan. I loved it. I’ve had a hard time finding a Church like ruined me…lol! I’ve REALLY struggled to find a church in Australia.

I’ve become very skeptical of churches.

But I’m thirsty for knowledge and depth. I’m thirsty of preaches and being able to live my faith with the guidance of others. These podcasts have been divine for me. Today he said something very interesting: a persuasive life isn’t one lived in guilt, it’s lived in love.


It’s something that I know we all struggle with. Guilt. I think it fuels A LOT of how many of us live our lives. (responding to emails, going to Tupperware parties, buying presents, sending our kids to extra-curricular activities, losing weight…etc). I wonder how all of our lives would change, how we’d live differently if we approached more of it out of love.


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