‘Adore xoxo’ Giveaway

A Self Love reflection from Jenelle

I’m a firm believer in self-love. You can’t ever really love someone else if you don’t love yourself first.

1. I love my ability to focus and make what I want out of life a reality. It has helped me find true happiness.
2. I’ve learned to love my body as a whole – it’s stronger than I ever thought it could be.
3. I’m working on loving my belly. Its leftover stretch marks and extra jiggle from a bit of excess skin is a daily reminder of where I once was and why I never want to be morbidly obese again.

I love giving away things.

I love celebrating successes.

I love my readers more than pretty much anything in the WHOLE FREAKING WORLD.

I like to make crafty things.

I adore Angela at OhSheGlows & Globakery.

I am so excited to announce!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1-Package of ‘X & Glo’s’ gift pack of Globars

Eat your heart out box of trans fat laden chocolates!

The X’s and G’los Valentine’s Day Variety Pack is here to save the holiday and warm your heart with nutritious bars. The X’s and G’los Variety Pack makes a healthy Valentine’s Day gift for yourself or a special loved one.

X’s and G’los includes our best-selling Glo Bars:

  • Adore (Roasted Marshmallow S’more with homemade graham crackers) *New for Valentine’s Day!
  • Empower (Chocolate Dark Roast Coffee)
  • Present (Cranberry Pumpkin Spice)
  • Refresh (Dark Chocolate Peppy-mint)
  • Classic (Chunky Peanut Butter & hemp, flax, sesame seed)

for a total of 10 delicious Glo Bars!

1- specially made Success Journal made by me..for YOU! (this is mine)


February 8th – Feb 11th 10pm Australia time (6am West/9am East USA)


Answer: Who/What do you adore? leave a comment in the comment section

usa and canada only…sorry

204 thoughts on “‘Adore xoxo’ Giveaway

  1. Nicole @ Geek Turned Athlete says:

    Wow! What a great giveaway!!

    I adore my husband! He is deployed right now, and he doesn’t complain about it. It is his job, and he does it with pride for his country! He loves me with all of my craziness and my stubbornness. He is the nicest, caring, most giving person I’ve ever met. Even though we won’t be together for this Valentine’s Day, we will be thinking about each other and knowing that we love each other very much!

  2. MizFit says:

    Mich I love that you are giving away a success journal created by you!!!
    IMO the most precious gift we have to give is our time and our talents.

  3. Sarah says:

    Boo! US and Canada only??!! Oh well, I’ll answer anyway.

    I just ate two bowls of lentils, so I’ll start by saying I adore that. I adore James. I adore my cat, my best friend and my family. And of course, I adore you and your blog! 🙂

  4. love2eatinpa says:

    such a nice idea, thank you!!
    i adore my husband. he is such a loving, patient and calming force in my and my children’s life. he is a wonderful father. i have known him for over 15 years and can count on one hand how many times i’ve seen him lose his temper. he is wonderful to infants and to senior citizens and everyone in between. he has made me a better person by being in his presence. he will drop anything to help a friend and his friends do the same for him. he loves me even with all the baggage i bring from childhood. he is a wonderful listener. he is the person that friends and family turn to when they need intelligent, rational advice. if my son could grow up to be half the man his father is, i would be one lucky mom.

  5. Marisa (Loser for Life) says:

    Mish, you are soooooo nice! I love that you are giving away something that YOU made also! Makes it all the more special 🙂

    I will also say that I adore my husband. He works so hard and with such intensity, all to care for us and our family. I am very thankful for him 🙂

  6. Susan says:

    I adore my family!! Easy answer, I know, but having my mommy staying with me right now makes me realize it even more. But I also adore my waffle maker too 😉

  7. Erin says:

    What a great giveaway!

    I adore my family, who support and love me unconditionally even when it means letting me go; my friends, who always welcome my home with open arms; and my body that is strong enough to do anything it wants to accomplish — and continues to be strengthened.

  8. suzanne says:

    This is in no order:
    I adore my cat that’s on my knee right now purring while i am typing.
    I adore my husband who would do absolutely anything for me 🙂
    I adore avocados even though i used to hate them
    I adore my kids because they keep me young
    I adore the blogging community because they show me so much support!
    And i could go on and on 🙂

  9. Linda says:

    What / who do I adore?
    I guess I have several things that I adore… I adore my husband, he is thoughtful and motivating, and kind. We live apart from each other because we are both in the military so he makes a point of it to email / text and call me daily.
    I also adore my body’s ability to RUN! It may be a tough go sometimes but I always make it through.

    I also adore that you make a point of doing your best to stay motivated – good work!

    Thanks for the giveaway, such a neat idea to make a success journal!

  10. Amy H says:

    I adore my mom. She doesn’t know it, but she is a strong woman, and as I get older I realize that I am just as strong as her. I live across the country from her, but speak to her everyday; she’s the support I need to push myself to follow my dreams.

  11. Annie says:

    I adore my cat, Gretta. She is possibly the only thing in my life that can make me smile regardless of how I am feeling. I also adore my boyfriend, and the fact that he adores Gretta as much as I do!

  12. Racheal says:

    What/who do I adore?
    I adore my mind! I never thought that the human brain could be so strong and powerful. Everything I put my mind to I accomplish and that is truly amazing! I’m proud to over come so many obstacles in my life and it’s all because of the power of my brain.

  13. Noelle @Opera Singer in Kitchen says:

    This is such a great giveaway! It sounds like you have a vibrant life.

    What do I adore? I adore my Creator who has given me life and health. I adore Him because he has given my the gift of loving my husband of 2 years and living in a new place. God is worthy of adoration in my life and is on my pedestal.

  14. leatitia says:

    I adore my mother! She’s my hero, she’s strong, she’s sensible. She runs 5k, she trains everyday, she’s fun, she cooks, she cleans, she’s a real superwoman. ❤

  15. Holly S. says:

    I adore good dark chocolate! And I also adore my mom–makes every day better just by being in my life!

  16. Megan says:

    I adore my friends and family.. they’re always there for me no matter what and have been super supportive in everything that’s happened to me. Just having a support system like that makes me happy every time I think of them 🙂

  17. megzzwinsatlife says:

    I adore my family… My family has such a strong bond ever since my mom was diagnosed with cancer and we almost lost her.. They respect and support me no matter what.. I love them with all my heart..

  18. Liz says:

    I could go on about my family, my boyfriend, my friends; all completely deserving of adoration, but I’m going to say that I adore my beagle! She needs credit too! Nothing better than coming home from a bad day at work and having your best furry friend waiting for you in the window, beyond excited that you decided to come home again. Best. Dogs, rule. I’ve also been so curious about GloBars!! They looks scrumptious.

  19. angreer says:

    I adore myself…I’ve realized that if you don’t love yourself first you won’t be able to truly love anyone else properly.

  20. Kara (@ Kara's Marathon) says:

    I don’t know if I’m more excited about the Glo bars or the journal!!

    I adore the three amazing men in my life who love and support me unconditionally: my husband, my dad and my dog, Barkley 🙂 They all make me feel beautiful and SO loved, even on my worst days.

  21. Stephanie says:

    I really adore the strength of my body and mind after a long hard run. It is amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it. I also adore my running buddy and best friend, without her I never would have discovered the true strength that lies within!

  22. Tina says:

    What an awesome giveaway 🙂 And how cool that you are supporting a fellow blogger in the process.

    I adore God. It is through Him that I have been blessed with everything else in my life and His love inspires me. Simply cannot get enough of His goodness. 🙂

  23. Patricia says:

    I adore my sister. I am protective of her because she is younger and she is protective of me because I can be silly.

  24. Angie says:

    I adore my wonderful boyfriend, who I’ve been with for almost six years now. He’s the greatest guy I’ve ever met!

    I adore my job, after being unemployed for a portion of 2009 gave me a deep appreciation of having a place to work, and a place i like, too!

    I adore my dogs! 🙂

  25. learningtocookeatandenjoydeliciousfood says:

    I adore my mother, she had been through so many hard times in her life and has ALWAYS come out of those situations a stronger and more confident person. I hope that in the coming years I will become more and more like her and I can only wish of being as good of a mother as she is!! 🙂

  26. Greta says:

    I adore the beauty in EVERYTHING life has to offer. People, places, music, words, absolutely everything is limitless in possibility.

    Thank you for the AMAZING giveaway. Those glo bars look sooooo delicious 🙂

  27. RED says:

    I would have to jump on the band wagon like a lot of others here and say my husband. He is my best friend and we always have fun doing everything together and like another person posted he is also deployed a lot and I think that makes the time we spend together even more special!

  28. Briann Williams says:

    I adore homemade vegan sweet potato pancakes, since I just ate some.

    But beyond food, I adore my strong, supportive family<3

  29. Kara M. says:

    What an awesome giveaway!

    I completely adore my boyfriend of 5 years. He’s awesome! He loves me for who I am and is completely supportive, I couldn’t ask for more!

  30. Jessica @ Dairy Free Betty says:

    I adore sooooooo many things… but I would have to say today especially I adore my “fiancee” – I love the man to pieces!! I would also ADORE these bars… YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 I got to taste 1 bar and it was so amazing, I hope many more are in my future! hehe

  31. Beth says:

    Wow, thanks for the giveaway! Fabulous!

    I adore God, my cat, and a good strong cup of coffee in the morning.

  32. Betherann says:

    Sweet giveaway! I adore: God (for saving me in so many ways), my husband (for loving me all the time, even when I’m ugly/messy/mean), our dogs (for being goofy and fun), my family and friends (because they’re amazing), my job (it rocks)…and this giveaway! 🙂

  33. Ana says:

    First of all I adore my son! He is my sunshine and the love above all that I have in my life!
    When it comes to food… I adore almond butter, and watermelon! (not together, of course!)
    I would love to win the bars, I am sure I would adore them as well!

  34. jensanders52 says:

    I adore you for creating this site and for sponsoring this giveaway! I’ve just read through your blog and I absolutely love that you emphasize self love and self respect! As I was reading I couldn’t help but wonder, “what would i say?” Although the answer didn’t come to me right away, it definitely caused me to reflect. Thanks for being such a positive role model!

  35. Tj says:

    WOW! Great giveaway! I have been wanting to try some of Angela’s bars!

    I adore the way my loving BF looks at me…even when I am in my ugly pajamas and pink fluffy robe when he gets home from work. His eyes show that he loves me and only me…and it melts my heart. 🙂

  36. Jennifer says:

    I adore my body. I adore the strength it has during a tough workout and the flexibility during yoga. I have embraced the parts that I used to think were not perfect, much like you, and now I am just grateful it powers me through the day!

  37. Astrid says:

    I adore my boyfriend, my cat, and amazing food! Great giveaway. The journal looks so awesome, and I have been wanting to try Angela’s bars. Maybe I will get lucky?

  38. Jill says:

    I adore the first moment of each and every day. The moment when I give myself a fresh start, forgive myself for everything that’s occurred in my past and make the promise to be the very best that I can in everything that I do, for that entire day.

    I absolutely adore that first, crisp, lucid moment in the early morning.

  39. Brenda says:

    I adore my family first and formost; my husband who has always loved me thick or thin. And my blogging commuity for the inspiration to reach my goals 🙂

  40. Tracey @ Tropical Happiness says:

    Ok, beyond the standard answers (mom, dad and husband), I adore myself!!!!!!!! I am really learning to support myself emotionally (I have successfully supported myself financially for years) and am learning to love who I am, yet am also working on becoming the BEST me that I can become. I am proud of who I am becoming, I am proud of my accomplishments and I am proud of the fact that I am taking care of me, in every way! 🙂

  41. Leilani says:

    I ADORE my husband, I ADORE my two daughters & I ADORE my step son who are all the LOVES OF MY LIFE – My husband is my rock, my oldest daughter is my best friend, my step son is my side kick & my littlest angel is just freaking precious!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh how I ADORE them ❤

  42. Elizabeth says:

    Great giveaway. Thanks! I adore my puppy and my sisters, who live in different states but always seem to brighten my day.

  43. j.l. says:

    Who do i adore? My family. I am a royal b-curse sometimes. I acknowledge it as one of my shortcomings. I am quick tempered and still carry that 15-year-old chip on the shoulder attitude at 27. Yet they stick by me and only want to support me. Crazy, huh? I still haven’t figured it out. ;P

    What do I adore? Rock climbing. It is a sport like no other. It focuses my ADD attention and pushes my body. I still focuses on my failures and get caught in my type A perfectionism, but it is teaching me that failing is necessary or i’ll never grow!

  44. marathonkim says:

    I adore my body, because even though it is far from perfect, it can do absolutely incredible things. It’s taken 27 years and countless struggles with weight to get to this point–I’m a new runner, currently training for a half marathon, and I’m constantly amazed at the things this body can do. Every new mile feels like a miracle.

    …if only all women suffering from body image issues would take up running!

  45. Stacie says:

    I adore my husband. He’s such a hard worker, but also a dreamer. I love that he has big dreams and works towards them – he’s an inspiration!

  46. Maya says:

    I adore my mother. Sadly, I don’t say it as often as I should. She is one special lady and one of the most selfless people I know and I love her so much.

  47. EL says:

    Who – I would normally answer my husband, but since I am 34 weeks preggers, I am going to say my little parasite.

    What – Still being able to wear a bikini

  48. emilie says:

    i adore animals–especially my cat. they’re forgiving, kind, and cuddly! how could you not smile at their purrs/licks/etc?!

  49. Liz says:

    I adore my little sister, she is a pediatric cancer survivor! At the age of 4 she was diagnosed with Acute Lymphosytic leukemia and fought the fight of her life for 3 long years! Today she is happy and healthy and I adore her passion for life!

  50. Jill F says:

    I adore my two cats =^..^= who bring a smile to my face every day! I have been dying to try Angela’s globars and would love your one-of-a-kind handmade success journal!

  51. Milica says:

    I adore my older sister! After ending a six year long relationship, and shutting the world out, she has emerged out of the dark a new women! She has been able to channel her emotions into running and weight training and this March we have signed up to run our first marathon!She is an inspiration and a constant source of support!

    What do I adore? I adore eating squares of dark chocolate while going for long walks and listening to music.

  52. Kendall says:

    I love the universe and all of the gifts present around me everyday!

    And I adore the man I get to wake up to every morning!

    Thank you for letting us remember that which we are grateful for. 🙂

  53. missyrayn says:

    Love this!

    I adore my mother. She is the model for all the strength I show. And even though she is my mother she is my best friend. We continue to learn and grow with each other. I couldn’t live without her support.

  54. Autumn Tao says:

    I adore my marriage. It’s the most powerful bond I have ever felt with another person. My life changed for the better the moment I met Matt.

  55. Holly says:

    I adore the relationship I have with God and with my fiance. The Lord put him into my life at the perfect time, and I am so blessed to be engaged to my best friend!

  56. Ashlei says:

    I adore my mom! She’s been such a big help so far with everything (my Crohn’s disease and helping me through pharmacy school). I love her! She’s such an awesome lady 🙂

  57. Ellen says:

    i adore my family and friends and my dog, and cooking and eating a great meal with any of them. (yes, i’ve been known to cook for my dog, though i can’t say i partake.) i also love to take pictures, travel, and marvel at beautiful things.

  58. s. says:

    this is the best giveaway! i would love that success journal.

    i adore my friendships more than anything. i am beyond lucky to have a huge network of friends who will look after me, and have looked after me, no matter what. i would be LOST without them.

  59. Jess says:

    I adore my family, friends and boyfriend. i also adore glo bars. Angela is seriously onto something! They are delicious!

  60. Tami says:

    Wow there are so many people that I adore but my hubby of 30 years has to top the list.

    He has worked hard so that I could be a stay at home mom with our two kids. He has loved me through all my weight issues and I joke that our marriage vows should have included “through thick and thin!”

    He continues to be the love of my life and my biggest cheerleader in every thing I do.

  61. Holly says:

    I adore your blog!! I also adore success journals- I usually cover mine with Mod Podge, that way they stay intact. I adore my family, and my nephew-to-be that will be born in a month!

  62. Angela says:

    Awesome giveaway!
    I adore my family and my animals which are of course apart of my family. I don’t know what I would do with out them!

  63. jess says:

    I adore all of my family! I am so thankful to have a supportive group of people who love me no matter what! 🙂

  64. taleoftwovegans says:

    I adore my fabulous friends and family, my pets (so sad I am far away from them right now) and the amazing blogging community that exists! 🙂

  65. Hayley says:

    Great giveaway! I have been wanting to try Angela’s Glo bars for the longest time!

    I adore my boyfriend, he is my rock, my personal comedian and best friend. 🙂

  66. Cole says:

    I adore my friends because they accept me and love for my weird and nerdy ways; I’m not sure what I’d do without them!

  67. Dena says:

    I adore my family! I just wouldn’t be the person I am today without each and every one of them. They’re always there for me no matter what!

  68. Jenelle says:

    We ❤ you too!

    I can't single just one out:
    I adore my parents who inspire me daily to keep reaching for my goals. I adore my big brothers who both amazing fathers and are always there when I need them most. I adore my boyfriend who challenges me daily and makes me question my weaknesses, often transforming them into strengths.

  69. Amanda says:

    I adore my mother. An important part of this story is my mother passed away when I was 8 years old, which was 20 years ago this March. I adore her for the memories I was left with but my true adoration comes from what she gives me every day. I don’t know if she was still here if it would be different but on days where I feel like I have to give up – she crosses my mind and I keep going. When I was feeling sad and unhappy at my job – she crossed my mind and I am now pursing my second degree which will be my RN (registered nurse) – my true calling. When I was a teenager and dealing with the pressure to do drugs I thought of her and stopped cause she wouldn’t want me to do that. She empowers me every day to make good decisions. This I believe is from the love she shared with me for those 8 years – it was a short time together but I learned to love because of her and I adore her for keeping me in check with myself throughout the years.

  70. Cassie says:

    Awww, what a touching idea!

    I adore my Mom & Dad. My Mom is my best friend; I can tell her anything. We fight and bicker, but I think that just shows how deep our bond is, because we always emerge better than before. My Dad is the hardest working man I know, and loves Mom and I more than ANYTHING; and it shows. I respect him and am proud to say this is the man most prominent in my life.

  71. Carly says:

    I adore my family:

    my husband for being truely winderful and a real partner.

    my mom for being the nicest and most caring person I know.

    my dad for always beleiving in me and and encouraging me to strive for the best in all aspects of life.

    my sister for being my best friend and telling me what I need to hear, not just what I want to hear.

    my dogs and cats for knowing the right time to cuddle and being so loving.

    I am so thankful for all of these people!

  72. Kayzilla says:

    I adore my fiance for treating me so well through all the stuff we’ve been through, and for deciding to propose and marry me this summer! He’s my world and makes a pretty good life an extraordinary happy one!

  73. JessicaE says:

    right now, I adore my Husband, the fog, and oddly enough.. WATER! I have a hard time staying hydrated and have actually been succeeding the last few days. It always makes me feel so much better!

    thanks for the giveaway, I have been wanting to try one of Angela’s Glo Bars for a long time.

  74. Kari says:

    I adore my awesome siblings and parents, my boyfriend, and my dogs! And pretty much everyone’s dogs, everywhere. 🙂

  75. Maura says:

    I adore my friends & my family. Sure, we have our ups and downs but we are always there for each other & I take comfort in knowing that 🙂

  76. Shannon says:

    the glo bars brought me here, but i’m actually loving your success journal! something i need right now 🙂 i adore my family, friends, anyone and everything that makes me smile!

  77. Lauren says:

    I adore my kitty who we adopted when she was 9 and has taken to us so well! She is so supportive of us 🙂 and loves us unconditionally!

  78. plamarie says:

    I adore my husband and Mother, Father andBrother! I love them more than life itself. They make me so happy and they truly know me. It is comforting to have such a love like that!
    I also love my kitties because I am a crazy cat lady 😉 LOL!

  79. Joy (A Little Bit Fit) says:

    Wow – awesome giveway!

    I adore:
    The way I feel after I workout
    My family – especially my 2 year old and 4 year old nieces
    My husband – he is unfailingly supportive and loves me unconditionally
    My college friends – they are like extensions of the best parts of myself

  80. Jen Kamerman-Jenkins says:

    I adore the way my six-year-old son Thor’s smile looks like the biggest, happiest orange slice of sunshine that I have ever seen. I adore the fact that in his eyes, I am a goddess, and my body is merely the temple that he enfolds in monster hugs.
    I adore my husband. If I saw half the person that he sees when he looks at me, I would be superhuman.
    I adore the way I feel when reflected in the love of these two extraordinary men.
    I adore the fighting spirit of my mind and body that would not let me die of anorexia just over a year ago when I ended up in treatment to save my life for several months instead. I thank it for being this strong.

  81. Blair says:

    I adore my friends, family and my strong legs that I’m hoping will take me to a half-marathon finish line next month!

  82. destiny trotter says:

    I adore….. my life, honestly, i am a very blessed woman. I am in full health, (im running my very first 5k this saturday!)and I have a boyfriend that loves me to pieces, a stockpile of family and friends that support me and encourage me and I have quickly fallen in love with reading all these healthy blogs that encourage, inspire and teach me. I have a full life, its had its ups and downs but i hope i can always remember the many things i adore and can be thankful for!

    love your blog to pieces!! 🙂

  83. Chantal says:

    This is going to sound repetitive, but I too adore my husband. Every day is like the first day we ever met, and we plan on staying that way for the rest of our lives. I adore how healthy and happy we have enabled each other to be, playing on each other’s strengths rather than our weaknesses to keep growing together and as individuals 🙂

  84. Mary @ Fit this girl says:

    I adore my own ability and everyone’s ability to create change, make change and define their own life and our own ability to adapt and to survive when life hands us lemons. I also adore my MOM(!!) who has always been my biggest fan. 🙂 This is a great giveaway, I have never had a glo bar and have wanted to!!

  85. Nadia says:

    I adore my mom! She made my day today, even though she is a 3 provinces over. She always knows when encouragement is needed!

  86. Jenn says:

    I adore hot flannel pajama bottoms straight from the dryer, reading a book in front of a roaring fire, singing songs around a roaring fire with great friends, sipping hot drinks, cozying up in bed(next to the best husband in the world) in warm, microfibre sheets – thx mom!

    So you get a sense of where Im coming from here, besides freezing cold Canada! I love to be warm and can honestly say the only times I have ever been consistently warm enough (for me) were during my pregnancies!

    Part of my husband’s wedding vows to me – to keep me warm! Now that’s love!

  87. Brandi C. says:

    I adore my best friend Brandi because she tells me the Truth even when it hurts. And it’s done with pure love =)

  88. Erica says:

    I adore my family and friends, and my cat Tony
    I adore that my dietary choices “do no harm” to animals and earth
    I adore that I am aging well and gracefully
    I adore and cherish memories of my mother
    I adore tuning in to life and living creatures as I hike
    I adore winning prizes (although I can’t recall such an occasion) 🙂

    Thanks for the reminder to count my blessings daily.

  89. Ashley says:

    I adore my boyfriend and my mom. They are the two people who have helped me become a better, stronger, happier person over the years, and I don’t know where I would be today without them.

    On a lighter note, I also adore my kitty cat and my special chocolate-peanut butter-banana oatmeal. 🙂

  90. Katie says:

    I adore my boyfriend, he makes me feel so loved! I just found your website, I’m looking forward to reading it!

  91. Allie says:

    I adore my best guy friend. Being away from him makes me realize how important he is to me, and I will never take his presence for granted again.

  92. Jennifer says:

    I absolutely adore my husband, Jack! He is extremely caring, is wonderfully smart and witty, and so nurturing … and best of all, he loves me!

  93. angelalovesfood says:

    ahh! I’ve been wanting to try this forever! I keep going to the website and was almost close to clicking “proceed order” but alas I have to spend within my means as a college student 😦

    I adore anyone who motivates me into becoming a better person, I adore the man upstairs! because I make idiot decisions in life but He still loves me unconditionally. I adore puppies because they are cute.

  94. Kat says:

    I adore my dogs! Without them, my life would be much less interesting. I look forward to coming home to them each day, and cherish all my time spent with them! They calm me and make me happy!

  95. Lana says:

    OMG! I’m dying to try the Glow Bars!! What a great giveaway!!!

    I adore my family and boyfriend because they are there for my 100% of the time–thick or thin. They motive me to be my best and treat myself with care.

  96. lpskins says:

    I adore–
    Being a social worker and the amazing kids I work with daily
    My bulldog Eleanor. I love her just as much as my human family members
    Free time.

    Thanks for such a cool giveaway!!

  97. Brandi says:

    What a great giveaway…and I adore that you are asking what/who people adore!

    I adore my mom. She has been through so much in her life, as a child and as an adult, and continues to be the strongest and most generous person I know.

  98. Moni says:

    ~I adore smiles. I love love love when a random person says hello with a smile- Its immediately contagious.

    ~I adore mornings. 1) Each morning brings a brand new day, a fresh beginning!
    2) I am very much a morning person 🙂

    ~I adore my family and friends. What better people to surround yourself with than those who love you and care about you unconditionally…. no one!

  99. Mallory says:

    maybe a little bit cliche… but i adore my mom 🙂 she’s always been there for me and always will.

  100. Jen says:

    I adore being able to recognize our successes in life, and a few bars from Angela at Oh She Glows only makes it better!

  101. Katie says:

    I adore my best friend, Amy. She is the epitome of a loving individual. She judges nobody and sees no prejudice. She loves without limits and it’s a quality all humans should aspire to have.

  102. Sara Scott says:

    I adore my boyfriend Javi….my relationships that have developed….learning to adore the person im becoming..last ones a bit difficult

  103. thenheathersaid says:

    i ADORE the blogging community – sometimes i feel i would be LOST without all of these fabulous women and men who have supported me through the last several months of my life. I know that my strength is stronger and my life is happier because of each and every one of the bloggers I read, share, tweet, face life with! I hope you will ALL be my valentine 🙂

  104. Laura E says:

    Thanks so much for the opportunity! I don’t have a boyfriend or anything, but I do adore my family!

  105. Angela says:

    I adore my sweetest man. Before him, I was always the caretaker in every relationship. But he wants to take care of me! He loves to do it. He cooks for me, he takes me on romantic getaways. I am so lucky. All of the heartache I went through before him was worth it.

  106. Kimberly Jahnke says:

    What an awesome Glo-ing Giveaway!

    I adore my mom. She came to visit me this weekend at school and made me feel loved and wonderful. She is my inspiration & my hero. Everyone should have a mom like her!

  107. Julie @SavvyEats says:

    I adore my fiance. Right now, he is living in New York (our future home), but I am still finishing up my degree in Wisconsin… for Valentine’s Day, he decided to fly me out to visit him this weekend!

  108. lisa says:

    I adore my students, they inspire me to be a better person. Even when I am exhausted and cranky, their energy and enthusiasm inspire me to be happy and to do my best. I adore my parents for all of the sacrifices they have made for me. I also absolutely adore free time as well- nothing better than reading blogs in front of my fireplace!
    Adore bars – I years to adore more of Angela’s awesome glowbars!

  109. Michelle says:

    I adore the quote on that journey, “Who said the sky’s the limit?” .. New tag line, I think. :]

  110. taylorlynne says:

    I adore the man in my life who never lets me give up….who reminds me each day that life is a beautiful gift and an adventure…who loves me unconditionally and passionately….who encourages me every step of the way with soft, gentle whispers or loud cheers….The man who brings me joy.

  111. Olivia says:

    I adore the amazing friends I’ve met in law school. This has been one of the hardest times in my life and they’ve put up with and supported me through it all. While the family support I have has and will always be there, they’re 12 hours away. These friends have grown to be my second family and I know we’re building relationships that will last for the rest of our lives.

  112. heather says:

    I adore my family. my husband recently had enough of my lack of ambition and goals and left us. it’s just me and my son for right now but i’m doing everything i can to get him back. that means going back to school for a masters in counciling. i’m studing for the GREs while my son is in preschool and hoping that finding myself again will help with the process of healing me family.

  113. ktjosh says:

    I adore me :). While in grad school I battled severe depression after the deaths of my grandparents, but even at my lowest point, I didn’t quit. It was difficult, but I pushed through and am set to graduate next term. After getting through this, I know I can do anything.

  114. Rachel says:

    I adore my husband and both of our families. We both feel so lucky to have amazing parent and siblings that we are comfortable around, and are friends with as well.

  115. Aileen says:

    I adore my husband and my family! They are my support system and I wouldn’t trade them for anything!

  116. freckledfoodie says:

    I’ve been dying to try Angela’s bars! 🙂 Great giveaway.

    I adore my Mom. She is the most selfless woman that I know. Completely comfortable in her own skin and supportive no matter what. I have never met a person who could love so unconditionally. She is also one of the hardest workers I know. She’s a leader by example and is a fighter. 🙂

  117. Lele says:

    I adore my family. We are loud and crazy and and I know that with my family I can be my absolute self and never have to worry about looking stupid!

  118. Maria says:

    I adore my family!!
    My husband can make me crazy and want to pull my hair out, but at the end of the day I know that I couldn’t have made it through the past 13 years without him and his crazy ways to entertain, enlighten, knock me off my pedistal AND to love me for me.
    My daughter’s have mistakably different personalities, but the one thing they have in common is their ability to crush my heart with a simple look. I love them so much that at times I want to squeeze them and not let them go. The idea of loving a puppy so much that you squeeze the life out of it with a hug you can’t stop is definitely how I feel about them sometimes.
    I can be having the worst day and if either one of them (or worse – both) comes up to me and gives me ‘the look’ I’m toast. I melt when they smile and that’s alright with me…
    I ADORE my family!!

  119. Erica says:

    I absolutely adore my dogs. They love me, no matter what. They make me smile everyday and always take me out of a bad mood. I could just watch them for days!

  120. Ashley says:

    I adore my boyfriend. He wakes up early every morning to make me coffee before I get up. I didn’t even realize how big of a deal that is to me until he was away for a few days and I woke up to no coffee! yes, i know i could set the timer, but it’s more the thought behind it. He does it every morning so that when i ask “is there coffee?” he can always say “yes honey” 🙂

  121. Micco says:

    I adore my best friend Ben because he goes so above and beyond as a friend. I ask a lot of him, but he never makes me feel like it’s too much. Certainly, he never makes me feel like a burden, and I appreciate his patience so, so much.

  122. Theresa says:

    I adore my parents. They are always supportive NO MATTER WHAT and the most generous people I’ve ever met.

  123. fromatopink says:

    I adore my mom. Because she’s struggled and always come out on the other side. At 42 she changed careers and became an acupuncturist, with a booming practice! She raised two girls, both of us very different, but both very successful. And she is there for me no matter what, with a hug, some sage advice and (always) wise words, or a home cooked meal. She is truly my best friend. 🙂 Okay, I’m finished being sappy. 😉

  124. Lara (Thinspired) says:

    Gahh–I can’t believe I missed this before! Hopefully I will still make it!

    Today I am adoring a lot of things…
    My husband, our tiny little apartment, my pedicured feet, this hot cup of coffee, and my family that somehow manages to drive me crazy and adore me at the same time 🙂

  125. jessicaconte says:

    I love this! I love the journal!!! I adore…my job, my little first graders and their minds and their thoughts and the way they constantly teach me about life. They amaze me and give me hope for our future!!

  126. Katie says:

    I adore my husband. I know that’s cheesy but I do. He is the best thing that ever happened to me and he makes me smile everyday 🙂

  127. Teala says:

    I simply adore my life! My wonderful husband, our beautiful son, and our amazing, supportive family! They all make life amazing! I ADORE LIFE!

  128. Anna says:

    I adore my animals. They always help me stay grounded and remember the daily important things in life. I start every morning with fresh air – and even when I’m bleary eyed, by the time my puppy is done, I’ve looked up at the sky and said good morning to the world. I’m blessed to have that experience each and every morning.

  129. All Women Stalker says:

    I’ll participate even if I can’t win the giveaways.

    I adore my true friends. They may be few and we may not see each other a lot. But when we do meet up, we act like we haven’t missed a day with one another. I adore them for sticking with me through the hardest times and for never failing to see the best in me.

  130. Shelley says:

    I adore my friends and family, my old dog, I adore life and the changing seasons. I adore the feeling of sunshine on my skin. I adore the way my body feels after a good workout. I adore books and reading and writing. I adore yoga, and jazzercise, and climbing. I adore photos….especially old ones. And nature ones. I adore photos! I adore web getaways..:)

  131. Bridgette says:

    I adore my wonderful children and my amazing husband. I adore my cuddly four-legged kids too : ) I adore food . . . all kinds . . . probably much more than I should!

  132. Cleo says:

    I adore the ability to see a new day with the option to change. If i didnt have the regular chance to get another day of life, i wouldn’t be able to see the people that i care for most in my day to day life, or do the things that i love doing like hiking and pushing my limits. I adore life 🙂

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