Smash Your Resolutions: My Top Tip

Welcome 2016! What a beautiful glorious year we have ahead of you. As I wrote yesterday, closing out 2015 and giving space to that is so important.

What we now are ‘faced’ with is how we want our life to be different in 2016. The exciting (or even daunting) approach of New Years Resolutions presents itself.

This isn’t a News Years Resolution/Goals post. Sorry 🙂 This is better. I want you to write down your goals..and then I want you to ask yourself why you haven’t done them before. If it’s something you’ve written down in the years gone by…why haven’t you achieved it?

My Top Tip for Smashing your New Years Resolution…evaluate this for each of them: What is the ‘stuck’ giving you?


The ‘stuck’ is rich with so many lessons and insight. I am a firm believer that the reason why you are NOT changing is bigger then your why. We can all write down WHY we want to change (and there is validity in this and I encourage you to do this). BUT the reasons why you are staying or have stayed stuck is so rich with knowledge which can help you affirm your why and really change your life.

For me, the reason why I have stayed stuck is because I’m scared and I’m fearful of my own power. I’m scared of my own success and I’m incredibly fearful of failure. So instead of doing something amazing for myself and my health, I have stayed stuck.

I share this, because only recently did I explore my STUCK. We can will ourselves to loose weight or kick a habit for so long. But if you don’t actually drill down into the reasons why the stuck is serving you…you won’t have lasting changing. Explore the stuck and really be open to why it’s serving you. Then work through why the anchor is down. Be gentle with this process and be open to it. It has so much beauty in it and is less scary then you think.

Go explore your stuck. It has beautiful lessons.

Mish xo

I would support this change with the following oils: bergamot, forgiveness blend, motivation blend, console blend, peace blend, grounding blend, joyful blend, frankincense, thyme, Hawaiian sandalwood, Douglas fir, white fir.

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